×× ×: Thank you President @AlSisiOfficial for a warm wel…
Thank you President @AlSisiOfficial for a warm welcome in Egypt today and an important & productive meeting. đŽđą đĒđŦ
Together, we can strengthen the ties between our two countries and work toward a more stable, secure & prosperous future for the region. https://t.co/KtnrYsw0H7
Thank you President @AlSisiOfficial for a warm welcome in Egypt today and an important & productive meeting. đŽđą đĒđŦ
Together, we can strengthen the ties between our two countries and work toward a more stable, secure & prosperous future for the region. pic.twitter.com/KtnrYsw0H7
— Naftali Bennett ×× × (@naftalibennett) September 13, 2021
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