×פ××: This morning, I had a friendly and productive meet…
This morning, I had a friendly and productive meeting with Togolese Foreign Minister @RDussey, a great friend of Israel. đŽđą đšđŦ
Israel is back in Africa, and I am looking forward to continuing to work together to deepen our ties with a close friend and proven partner like Togo. https://t.co/RomywXOlih
This morning, I had a friendly and productive meeting with Togolese Foreign Minister @RDussey, a great friend of Israel. đŽđą đšđŦ
Israel is back in Africa, and I am looking forward to continuing to work together to deepen our ties with a close friend and proven partner like Togo. pic.twitter.com/RomywXOlih
— ×××ר ×פ×× – Yair Lapidđ (@yairlapid) June 1, 2022
×××ר×: ××Ē××× ×××Ē×× ××Ē×¤×¨×Ą× ××××¤× ××××××× ××ĸ××× ××××××ר ×ĸ× ××× ×××ר ×פ×× – Yair Lapidđ – ××Ē××× ×××××× ×××ר×××Ē ×××¤×¨×Ą× ××××.