
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Rosh Hashanah Greeting

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Rosh Hashanah greeting:
"To the Jewish communities around the world, Shana Tova.

On the eve of the Jewish New Year, I want to wish all of us and all of you two things: unity and peace. Unity doesn’t mean that we don’t have arguments. We do. Israel is a vibrant democracy and will remain so. But we should always remember as we seek to reach a consensus that we are one people, one state, we have one army and we have a shared past and a common future. If we remember that, if we keep in mind these basic truths, we’ll have less division and more unity.

And the other great opportunity we have is peace. We’ve already achieved a historic breakthrough with the Abraham Accords, peace between Israel and four Arab states, in addition to the peace treaties we had with Egypt and Jordan. But this year affords—as I hope—the promise of a great opportunity: peace with Saudi Arabia. That will begin to end the Arab-Israeli conflict and will also begin to foster a new relationship between the Jewish people and billions of Muslims around the world.

• זאת ההזדמנות שלך! נסדר לך קריירה ונלווה אותך להצלחה - לפרטים נוספים לחצו כאן

These are my hopes for this year: unity and peace. I know you share that with me. May it be a blessing for all of us."

Video: Omer Miron, GPO
Sound: Yehezkel Kandil, GPO

הבהרה: התוכן בכתבה מתפרסם באופן אוטומטי מעמוד היוטיוב על ידי IsraeliPM – התוכן והמדיה באחריות המפרסם בלבד.

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