
Statement by PM Netanyahu

“Today, the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah said something utterly preposterous. It denied that it was Hamas that carried out the horrible massacre at the nature festival near Gaza. It actually accused Israel of carrying out that massacre. This is a complete reversal of truth

Abu Mazen, who in the past has denied the existence of the Holocaust, today is denying the existence of the Hamas massacre and that's unacceptable.

My goal is that the day after we destroy Hamas, any future civil administration in Gaza does not deny the massacre, does not educate its children to become terrorists, does not pay for terrorists and does not tell its children that their ultimate goal in life is to see the destruction and dissolution of the State of Israel. That's not acceptable and that is not the way to achieve peace”.

• זאת ההזדמנות שלך! נסדר לך קריירה ונלווה אותך להצלחה - לפרטים נוספים לחצו כאן

Video: GPO

הבהרה: התוכן בכתבה מתפרסם באופן אוטומטי מעמוד היוטיוב על ידי IsraeliPM – התוכן והמדיה באחריות המפרסם בלבד.

31 תגובות

  1. Mr. Prime Minister, Gaza should be part of ISRAEL 🇮🇱 .All the Palestinians support Hamas. Terrorism is in their blood. Gaza should be administered by ISRAEL 🇮🇱 . Better the Palestinians move to other countries. Don't compromise in ISRAEL'S security anymore. Never Never ever again . God bless and protect ISRAEL 🇮🇱. God with ISRAEL 🇮🇱. Am ISRAEL Chai 🇮🇱. 0:53 From Tamil Nadu INDIA ❤️ 🇮🇱 ❤🇮🇳

  2. I supported you PM Netanyahu , please do not trust the Palestinians survival , May the lord give you wisdom to deal with this mission , May all evil be uprooted and may Israel stand strong ever more amen

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